Council Notes

In-Person Gatherings at St. Philip Suspended Until May 17

Hopefully many of you heard the telephone message earlier this week from the Council President about the decision to extend the suspension of our in-person worship gatherings until May 17.

Due to the continually evolving circumstances this can change, so continue to check for updates from your church council and the pastors. 

This decision was difficult and arrived at by Church Council after prayerful consideration and discussion with our pastors in a special meeting of Council Tuesday night, March 24th.

Some may wonder, are we overreacting?  That’s possible.  In fact, I hope we are!  The only other alternative is that our actions turn out to be inadequate…too little, too late.  I hold no hope that our actions prove to be the PERFECT response.  So, we really do have only the two options, and I think most would agree that if we err, we need to err on the side of caution.

Stay plugged in.  Watch for email updates each week. Listen to telephone messages.  Follow St. Philip on Facebook.  Be a regular visitor to the St. Philip website. Read the Bible. Participate in online worship, bible study, and more upcoming events available online. Read your mail.  Participate in programs being developed to reach members who cannot connect digitally.  Join the Prayer Chain.  Be creative and resourceful.  Spend time in Prayer. After all, we ARE in the Wilderness and we have an opportunity to make THIS Lenten experience the most memorable one ever.

Although we are suspending in-person gatherings, we are NOT suspending our expenses. So, bills need to be paid, salaries need to be paid, and our ministry continues to move forward.  Steps have been taken to reduce expenditures as much as possible, but it is still VERY important for us all to prayerfully consider maintaining our regular level of giving.  This should be easiest for members who have set up electronic automatic drafts. For those of you who have not done this, please consider this option*.  Otherwise please mail your checks to the church office so we can sustain our vibrant ministry.

God’s Peace be with you, and I look forward to us all being able to get together soon.

Gary Sahm, Council President

*click on the “Generosity Matters” tab, then “Give Now”.  You can make a one-time donation, or set up a regular, recurring donation.