Congregational life is theology in practice. Theology is an inexact science with lots of gray mixed in with very little black and white. For God’s grace to be experienced fully it takes practice. Congregational life is asking questions of one another as a part of faith formation. It is parents and families discovering tools for sharing the faith with another generation. It is youth finding a safe place to have fun and be a little weird at the same time. It is music with voices and organs, guitars and drums professing faith. It is community hanging out together just for fun with food and conversation. Congregational life is God’s love in action. The letter of 1 John teaches, “Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.” The people of St. Philip experience God’s love and grace fully by practicing them every day. Practice most certainly does not make perfect, but it does equip the community of faith to love, feed, and serve to better LIVE LIKE THAT.
Congregational Life
Congregational life is theology in practice. Theology is an inexact science with lots of gray mixed in with very little black and white. For God’s grace to be experienced fully it takes practice. Congregational life is asking questions of one another as a part of faith formation.