Worship is central to who we are as people of God. We gather together each week to give thanks and praise to God for God’s love and faithfulness to us. We Hear God’s word proclaimed and receive the gift of Holy Communion. Worship assistants are an important part of our worship life here at St. Philip, and we are so grateful for all those who serve.
Worship assistant roles include: acolyte, reader, sound board assistant, clicker, usher, communion assistant and altar guild. Each of these roles are essential to our worship life together and we need people to serve in those roles. If you are interested in serving in any of these roles, please let our coordinators know. The worship assistant coordinator for the 8:30 service is Carol Dillman, for the 11:00 service Mary Jo Sahm, and Liz Leonard for the altar guild. Thank you for your consideration and your willingness to support the worship life of our congregation.