Congregational Life Ministries Worship Events

Advent & Christmas Activities

Advent: Season of Hope
In Advent, God’s people wait with hope for the birth of Jesus, God’s anointed one. Advent lasts for four Sundays (and the weeks between them); lighting candles helps us mark the time as we get ready for the Light of World, Jesus Christ. Great memories can be formed as candles on a wreath are lit, scripture is read, and the hopeful anticipation of Christ’s coming is celebrated. You are invited to pick up Advent devotions, on a table in the narthex, for you/your family to use during this holy season.

Advent Night: Potluck, Carols, and Advent Wreaths
Sunday, December 3rd at 5:30pm. All are invited to enjoy the culinary creations of the members of your church family at our potluck dinner, then a festive time with a Christmas carol sing along. We will also create family Advent wreaths with fresh greenery, an Advent calendar for kids AND a fun Christmas photo shoot that could be used for your annual family Christmas card! Come join us as we begin the Advent journey in anticipation of the birth of our Savior!

Fellowship Luncheon
On December 7, 11am, all are invited to attend St. Philip’s Annual Christmas Fellowship Event to help get us in the holiday spirit. The lunch will be held at The Plantation on Sunnybrook. The cost is $16.42, which includes the full buffet, dessert, drinks, and gratuity. Transportation can be arranged by contacting Cindy Fielder at 915-8154. We hope many can attend Thursday, December 7th! Sign up sheets are in the narthex. You are guaranteed an “extra special” Gift–time spent in fellowship with your church family!

Chrismon Tree Decorating, Sunday, December 10, before each worship service
A Chrismon tree is a special tree adorned with symbols of Christianity in its earliest days, such as the Alpha and Omega and the fish.  Newer symbols like a dove, Bible, rose, and cross and crown can also be used.  All decorations and supplies will be provided.

Christmas Caroling, Sunday, December 10, 5pm
You are invited to share Christmas cheer! Meet at St. Philip. Then groups will head out and about in the Roanoke Valley. Please also bring some cookies to share with folks. Sign-up in the narthex if you plan to join the fun!

Children’s Christmas Program
The children of St. Philip will share the Christmas story at the 5:30pm Christmas Eve worship service. Rehearsals for the children’s Christmas program are each Sunday at 9:50am, through December 17.

Christmas Eve Two opportunities for worship:
5:30pm – Candlelight service and youth program
9:00pm (note the new time!) – Traditional candlelight service
Holy Communion will be served at both services.

Morning Worship Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve
Because Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve happen on a Sunday this year, we will worship on both Sunday mornings at 9:30am. Christmas Eve morning we will light the fourth candle of our advent wreath and conclude our observance of the Advent Season. Then on December 31st we will continue our celebration of the Christmas Season by using Lessons and Carols to shape our worship.

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